Share the work – share the harvest: One chapter ends and a new one begins.

Six years after setting up our weekly vegetable box scheme the co-operative has taken the decision to plough a slightly different course (if you will excuse the pun). In March this year we began the process of launching a changed operating model based upon the concept of a “community allotment”. The new scheme is squarely … More Share the work – share the harvest: One chapter ends and a new one begins.

Another great day at Dry Arch- Apple picking, apple juicing and hog roasting!

First there was yet another sterling effort from those special people from GoodGym Bath in harvesting apples for us in the morning and then we had Dry Arch Grower’s first ever Hog Roast featuring meat from one of our own lovingly reared free range pigs. The hog roast and pork and sausage sale was a … More Another great day at Dry Arch- Apple picking, apple juicing and hog roasting!

On the path to fitness…Many hands make light work part 2!

Well the weather was foul but that didn’t deter the great bunch of people from GoodGym Bath. Once more they astounded us by showing us how much physical work can be done in such a short time tonight. Having ripped up an old path last week they returned and have relaid the path with a … More On the path to fitness…Many hands make light work part 2!

It’s the big planting day – Sunday May 31st

With summer fast approaching (honest) we need many hands to make light work of getting most of the rest of the summer’s plants in the ground this Sunday. Lovingly propogated and nurtured in our polytunnels we’ve beans, courgettes, sqash and more to get in. If you fancy some not too strenuous planting then come along … More It’s the big planting day – Sunday May 31st